Community and Communications

Sep 16, 2023

Connecting with Others During Crises

Even the most prepared individuals cannot weather major crises alone forever. Building relationships and communication channels in advance is key to pooling resources, ensuring safety, and accessing information.

Help Neighbors

Build Relationships in Advance
Get to know those who live nearby, help when you can, and communicate about preparedness. Have mutual aid plans.

Plan and Respond Collectively
Band together for security patrols, shared equipment/supplies, and division of labor. Combine skills and resources.

Find Safety in Numbers
A unified community is far less vulnerable than isolated individuals during unrest or lawlessness.


Have Non-Digital Alternatives
AM/FM radios, walkie-talkies, HAM radios, and CB radios continue working when cell towers are down.

Consider HAM Radio Licensure
Study for and pass the HAM radio exam to gain access to extended communications networks.

Monitor Scanners for Info
Programmable scanners can monitor critical frequencies of emergency services, utility crews, etc.

Taking Incremental Steps

Prioritize Based on Likelihood/Impact
Tackle low probability but high impact risks after covering more likely issues. Avoid analysis paralysis.

Commit to a Slow and Steady Journey
Make steady progress over time vs. burning out on rapid Unsustainable efforts. Build long-term habits.

Learn and Improve Skills Together
Combine knowledge and train together to raise community preparedness levels over time.

A resilient community is stronger than the sum of its parts.

Nurture critical relationships with those around you for mutual support.

  • Reach out to nearby neighbors to start a preparedness group
  • Organize a meeting to discuss priorities, resources, and plans
  • Arrange emergency communications tests
  • Share skills and knowledge widely